
Showing posts from November, 2021

When you cook and you get fast food instead.

Okay, I admit that this time it was no one's fault, or done on purpose for that matter. Which is why I chuckled when it happened.  So a little backstory here. The other night I went to the farmers' market with my wife and in-laws. She sort of avoided the fruit and veggies section because she had been worried about finances. Well at this point I have been craving fresh produce because I love using fresh products. Well I splurged, got myself fifty dollars worth of produce.  Now a fair chunk of it was the palmetto honey and the locally brewed sugar cane syrup. Which is absolutely fantastic, by the way.  It carried that richness molasses is know for without the burnt taste. It is somewhere in the middle of the domain between a simple syrup and molasses. The taste is phenomenal.  The palmetto honey is subtle, rich, and mild. It isn't as in your face as orange blossom or as delicate as clover honey. Then I proceeded to get multiple citrus types, two colors of asparagus, or...


Sometimes one experiences something that is hard to describe. Other times you live it... This page is a blend of things. To begin with, one of my passions: Cooking. To me, it is an art... it shows the culture of those who make it and varies from region to region. It reflects those who live then and for someone like me it is an adventure.  An adventure I share with 8 others, for my wife is diagnosed with Disassociative Identity Disorder. As such, I live with 8 alters who sometimes share the same taste, and sometimes are wildly apart. It is with their permission and encouragement that this is created.  I love anime and call them my waifu as a term of endearment (to the consternation of some lol). Thus the title is was born! so with much ado! Welcome to MyWaifusOwnChef!!